Friday, April 30, 2021

Day 30. Krishnamacharya General Practice #21


Points of concentration: 16 vital points. (No concentration points in todays practice)

sirsa - the fontanel
murdhna - middle of forehead
bhrumadhya - between eyebrows
nasagra - extremity of the nose
talu mula - back of the palate
lalata - root of the uvula
kantha - throat
kantha kupa - back of the throat
hrdaya - middle of the heart
nabhi - navel
sroni - centre of the pelvis
mula - perineum
jangha- point at top of thighs
janu - point at middle of knees 
gulpha - point at middle of ankles 
pada angusta - point of the big toes.

Also of note...

Murdhna: the point located in front of the nose
Divya Chakshush: Point behind the head (occipital)
Aditya (the sun) is the disk of the sun, black and shiny,
The star: lying on his back to look as far as possible on the sky 
Taraka: the horizon point,

A.K. = Antah Kumbhaka (holding of breath after inhalation ) 
B.K = Bhaya Kumbhaka (holding of breath after exhalation )




Svana Asana


A big thank you to my friend Andrea Panzer for sending me this video of Svana Asana.
Notice that her toes remain on the mat unlike in my photo on the sheet.

Andrea was pointing out yesterday that Svana Asana should perhaps be represented by three photos (but perhaps even four) rather than two, as we come to the mat each time.

Lie on the stomach, forehead on the mat.

1. Inhalation to Urdhva Mukha Svana Asana.

2. Exhalation to Ardho Mukha Svana Asana.

3. Inhalation back to Urdhva Mukha Svana Asana.

4. Exhalation back to starting position,legs, abdomen, chest and forehead on the mat.

My friend Andrea Panzer, who took seminars with T. K. Sribhashyam over an eight year period, has just started her own blog on Sribhashyam's teaching. Andrea is outlining guidelines to practice that I will quote on my own guidelines page at the top of the blog.


Also note the other vinyasas

Vira Bhadra Asana / Garuda Asana


Garuda Asana follows on from Vira Bhadra Asana in this session
I'm assuming you would bring the hands down from Vira Bhadra Asana into the fourth photo below.

4th photo below

On the exhalation the arms are lowered, palms upward elbows brought back

1 ujjayi breath

5th photo

Palms brought together, thumbs against the sternum

1 ujjayi breath

6th photo

On the inhalation, raise the arms back overhead to Vira Bhadra Asana

7th photo

straighten the leg

8th photo

unlink the hands, lower the arms and step forward, to bring the right foot beside the left.

Repeat on the other side.

Garuda Asana

Parvata Asana


We can choose to practice these hand/arm movement is Parvata Asana or vajra Asana
Sribhashyam also has the same hand/arm movements in Danda Asana.

The hands come back to the floor, fingers pointing forward between each vinyasa hand/arm variation.

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