Points of concentration: 16 vital points.
sirsa - the fontanel
murdhna - middle of forehead
bhrumadhya - between eyebrows
nasagra - extremity of the nose
talu mula - back of the palate
lalata - root of the uvula
kantha - throat
kantha kupa - back of the throat
hrdaya - middle of the heart
nabhi - navel
sroni - centre of the pelvis
mula - perineum
jangha- point at top of thighs
janu - point at middle of knees g
ulpha - point at middle of ankles pada angusta - point of the big toes.
Also of note...
Murdhna: the point located in front of the nose
Divya Chakshush: Point behind the head (occipital)
Aditya (the sun) is the disk of the sun, black and shiny,
The star: lying on his back to look as far as possible on the sky Taraka: the horizon point,
A.K. = Antah Kumbhaka (holding of breath after inhalation )
B.K = Bhaya Kumbhaka (holding of breath after exhalation )
See Sribhashyam's article on Pranayama
Also, I've just added a page to the blog containing the the Yogasanagalu translation project from my old blog, the translation by Satya Murthy of Krishnamacharya's 1941 Mysore text, Yogasanagalu. It has some interesting sections on pranayama.
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