Sunday, March 28, 2021

Blog Intro. 1 First post : Introduction to project (also list of concentration points).

My first ‘deep dive’ into T.K. Shribhashyam’s book, Emergence of Yoga, was more old school. Unfortunately my yoga stick figures were even more confusing than some of the names Shribhashyam and his father Krishnamacharya had for the asana. Ultimately, I was drawn back to Ashtanga and would only practice these on a a rare rest day or perhaps in an evening practice.

Also, the the first few practices didn’t feel that challenging at the time. Now, I’ve lost so much flexibility that it’s going to be interesting to work through the whole book practice by practice.

Sribhashyam’s book has 60 odd regular practices followed by a number of practices that reflect Krishnamacharya’s own practice and a number of ‘Life saving’ practice, along the lines of the one I include here. One of the life saving practices was included on the DVD box of the movie about Krishnamacharya, ‘Breath of Gods’, that Shribhashyam consulted on.

Early practices for the book follow a similar format but offer alternatives to inversions.

The book also includes a selection of stand alone pranayama practices that are interesting.

All of the asana and pranayama include concentration points ( see the last photo) these are optional, you can stick to the standard between the eyes for head up asana and tip of the nose for head down asana that Krishnamacharya mentions in Yoga Makaranda.

I highly recommend the book, it was one of the few I bought with me to Japan.

 May be available on Amazon but check the language.

Also available direct from T. K. Sribhashyam's school.
I heard the website says it doesn't ship to the US but if you contact them direct it might be able to be arranged for a little extra shipping cost.

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